29 Flawed Assumptions About Leadership

By Linda Fisher Thornton

I was pruning shrubs this week and it occurred to me that we have many mistaken assumptions about leadership that can lead us to make bad choices. Those flawed assumptions are like the deadwood we prune away from our plants in the spring.

…If we don’t prune regularly, the deadwood affects our growth and success.

Here are 29 flawed assumptions about leadership, in no particular order. It’s time to get rid of these beliefs that are the deadwood holding back our leadership and our teams.Top 100 Leadership Blog

Special 5 Post Series Celebrating the Second Printing of 7 Lenses

Why Ethical Thinking Matters (Part 1)

Why Ethical Thinking Matters (Part 2)

Why Ethical Thinking Matters (Part 3)

Why Ethical Thinking Matters (Part 4)

Why Ethical Thinking Matters (Part 5)


© 2018 Leading in Context LLC


  1. Great list Linda! #25 is something every leader must always remember…society seems to push good leaders to view the power and leadership connection incorrectly.


  2. These are great! Especially the one about how one of the real goes of leaders is to get the most potential out of someone.

    I think that is an often overlooked aspect of a leader and in my team at my company Task Pigeon it is something i am constantly trying to improve.


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