10 COVID-19 Trends: Our Inner Space

By Linda Fisher Thornton It seems that we're all getting more in touch with our "inner space" during the COVID-19 pandemic. The extensive time in isolation has given us the time and opportunity to face our truths - our beliefs, our impact and our choices.

Top Post Series of 2019: Leading in Context Blog

By Linda Fisher Thornton

The Top Post Series this year reflects the challenges of applying ethical thinking and decision making to complex problems.

This series answers the important question “How do we analyze and understanding the multiple connected variables in a changing context to make responsible choices? Today I’ll share a quote from each post in the series that will give you a quick overview of the topic.

Systems Thinking: Using the 5 Whys

By Linda Fisher Thornton

In my Applied Ethics Class last fall, I introduced my students to the Five Whys. This is a simple and valuable tool for getting to the root cause of problems. We may think we understand why something happened but when we "fix" whatever we think is the sole cause we don't always get the intended result. The reason for that is that problems tend to have multiple causes. They happen in the context of multiple processes. Singling out one "cause" is rarely sufficient for understanding what really happened.