Top Post Series of 2019: Leading in Context Blog

By Linda Fisher Thornton

The Top Post Series this year reflects the challenges of applying ethical thinking and decision making to complex problems.

This series answers the important question “How do we analyze and understanding the multiple connected variables in a changing context to make responsible choices? Today I’ll share a quote from each post in the series that will give you a quick overview of the topic.

Thinking Beyond Polarities To Both/And Thinking

By Linda Fisher Thornton

In this video, Michael DePass of CCL gives a brief introduction to polarity thinking and how it affects our communication and relationships with others. 

Polarity Thinking Risks and Limitations

Thinking in an either/or way about a problem that has multiple sides/variables/perspectives limits our effectiveness. That kind of thinking:

Won't help us solve complex problems
Can lead to "stuck" thinking and stalemate
Can lead to arguing and conflict
Compounds misunderstandings (potentially leading to irreconcilable differences)