Your Culture is Not A Secret (So Protect Your Ethics)

By Linda Fisher Thornton One of my favorite concepts for understanding how social media is changing the visibility of organizational culture is's report Glass Box Brands. As elequently explains, "In an age of radical transparency, your internal culture is your brand." The key point I take away from this important report is that we can no longer assume that our culture is private. In fact, it's completely public and it defines our brand.

Ethical Leaders Understand the Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton In a previous post, I addressed some of the risks of not taking time to THINK before making decisions. Today, I want to explore why it is so important for leaders to understand the CONTEXT before they make decisions. 

Building Trust: Paradoxical Qualities to Cultivate

By Linda Fisher Thornton As we progress on the learning journey toward positive leadership, some of the qualities we seek seem to be paradoxical. For example, as leaders we need to be CRYSTAL CLEAR in outwardly communicating what we expect and also OPEN to hearing input from others that might change our plans. We need to be FULLY PRESENT in this moment, and still able to THINK AHEAD to prepare for the future.

Future of Learning 2011

Learning and Motivation We now understand so much more about how people learn and what motivates them than we did as recently as ten years ago. People prefer to learn in their own ways, at their own pace, using the resources they choose. They enjoy following their curiosity and creating their own meaning.