19 Leadership Trend Reports for 2019

By Linda Fisher Thornton  One of the challenges of responsible leadership is staying on top of fast-moving trends. This week, I'm making that process a little easier for you by sharing 19 interesting leadership trend reports. Get ready to read…

4 Connected Trends Shaping the Future of Leadership

By Linda Fisher Thornton Our understanding of good leadership is advancing. In this video, I describe 4 powerful trends that are increasing leadership expectations and shaping what leaders need to be prepared to handle in the future. By Linda Fisher Thornton Our understanding of good leadership is advancing. In this video, I describe 4 powerful trends that are increasing leadership expectations and shaping what leaders will need to be ready to handle in the future.  These 4 trends shaping the future of leadership are connected and accelerating. They give us a clear picture of where we need to take our leadership. 

The Evolving Purpose of Leadership: Why More is Expected Now

By Linda Fisher Thornton What ever happened to command-and-control (transactional) leadership and what has taken its place? How is our understanding of the purpose of leadership changing? Where is it headed? In this video, I explain our evolving understanding of the purpose of leadership, and provide a context that explains why more is expected of leaders now.

Webinar “Leading For the Future”

  By Linda Fisher Thornton Many leaders wonder how to prepare for an uncertain future - one that is filled with complexity, changing expectations and an increasing global awareness about ethical responsibility. On October 13, 2015 I will be presenting a webinar…

Trends: How Businesses are Changing their Corporate Responsibility

A recent two-part article by Fast Company blogger Alice Korngold includes trends and predictions about how businesses are changing their corporate responsibility. Here is a small sample of the useful information you'll find by reading the article: "Three interrelated predictions: First,…