Nature Moments Offer Cognitive Renewal

By Linda Fisher Thornton The last time I had to stop to let a flock of geese to cross the road, they were in no apparent hurry. Most likely, part of their territory had been turned into a housing development, and they were just travelling from point A to point B. The driver of the car in front of me enjoyed the nature moment - watching them quietly as they crossed. "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." William Shakespeare The driver in the left lane, though, was clearly not happy with the interruption. The car inched forward, closer and closer to the geese, and the driver honked repeatedly to hurry them along.

Sustainable Everything: What C-Suite Leaders Need to Know About the New Thinking

The growing sustainability mindset is not industry-specific or topic-specific. It is showing up in industries as diverse as foods, fashion and construction. While some industries are tending to dismiss this change in consumer behavior as a trend that will pass, others have realized that the movement is deeply rooted and that they will be at a competitive disadvantage if they don't respond.

Sustainability is a Mindset, Not a Job

Many businesses are gearing up for sustainability by adding a position to oversee it. Will adding a position without changing the way decisions are made actually lead to sustainable business practices within the organization? It turns out that sustainable CEOs are making…