Ethical Culture: The Business Case For Prevention

By Linda Fisher Thornton After I published "Prevention or Cure: Your Choice" about reducing ethical risk and creating a positive culture a reader asked for more information about the business case for prevention. Here are some compelling reasons why the prevention approach is a better business decision than waiting for ethical problems and applying a "cure" after the organization is already in trouble.

What Drives Engagement? Is it Ethics?

By Linda Fisher Thornton

While there is not yet one common definition of employee engagement, according to Mandrake, "common themes found in most definitions include a commitment to and belief in the organization and its values and a willingness and ability to contribute ‘discretionary effort’ to help the organization succeed" (Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement: Making the Connection, Mandrake).

What really drives engagement? To what degree does ethics play a part? In this post I'll explore 5 ways that an organization's ethics impacts employee engagement. 

Ready to Change the Ethics Quo (For Good)? Part 4

By Linda Fisher Thornton

Leadership is not easy. Leaders need to be inspired to lead with positive values while dealing with the goals and expectations of multiple stakeholders.

Here are the previous posts in the series if you missed them:

Ready to Change the Ethics Quo (For Good)? Part 1 (Improve Accountability)

Ready to Change the Ethics Quo (For Good)? Part 2 (Improve Leader Impact)

Ready to Change the Ethics Quo (For Good)? Part 3 (Manage the System)

The focus of this week's post is on Ways to Inspire Leaders to Lead With Positive Ethical Values. Here are 3 ways to inspire leaders to reach for positive values - that also help you "do good" in your organization, community and world.

What Is Organizational Integrity?

By Linda Fisher Thornton

Individual integrity is the full alignment in what a person thinks, says and does. Taking that concept to another level, this post will explore the question "what is organizational integrity?"

Clearly, organizational integrity is broader than individual integrity, but what does it include?

5 Insights Into The Future of Leadership Development (Part 1)

By Linda Fisher Thornton

In this series called "5 Insights Into the Future of Leadership Development" I will be sharing trends and learning resources that give us the broad picture of how to prepare leaders for success in a complex, connected global society.

With Ethics PREVENTION is the Cure

By Linda Fisher Thornton

Have you heard the expression "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?" Eating healthy foods, exercising and getting enough sleep will help us prevent health problems. In the quest for good health, preventive habits make all the difference.

It is generally easier for us to establish healthy habits than to resolve persistent problems once they start. There is an important parallel we can draw between human health and organizational health - prevention is also the best way to deal with ethics in organizations.

Focusing on Profits? Watch Out For the “Blinder” Effect

By Linda Fisher Thornton

We need profits to exchange goods and services, pay bills and grow our businesses. So what's the problem with it? The problem is that profitability cannot become our defining business goal, and it cannot replace values as the central beacon of our decision-making.

5 Ways to Talk About Ethics (Without Being “Blah Blah Boring”)

By Linda Fisher Thornton

We owe it to our employees to make ethics real. People learning ethics are often given "blah blah boring" material (and then expected to remember and apply it). I believe that this is not just a mistake, it's a crime! Why? Because ethics is anything but boring. Ethics is really interesting stuff when you dive into its complexities.

Today I'm sharing 5 ways to talk about ethics without being "blah blah boring." Feel free to use these as conversation starters with your team, and let me know if they make your conversations more meaningful.

10 Guides to Sustainable Business

By Linda Fisher Thornton

Sustainability has become an expected part of good business leadership. Lynnette McIntire notes in her article 7 Sustainability Trends to Watch for in 2013 that "marketplace expectations have moved sustainability into the category of 'business as usual.'"

While sustainability is becoming the norm, its scope is also broadening to include more than just environmental concerns.